

At one time or another, we have all had our personal demons. For most of us, we are presented with choices. Do the right thing and all is well. Make the wrong choice and there are negative consequences. And for some of us, it is one choice after another with no way out.

My current itch that needs to be scratched is the merging of quantum theory, chaos theory, social media, and mass shooters — all coming together to see what lies over the horizon.


“If a tree falls in the forest, and there is no one around to hear, does it make a sound?”

The folks on the quantum side would have us believe that everything that we feel, taste, hear and see are all perceptons — I am one of them. The perceptons are fused in the brain and reality is born. We can take two people, expose them to exacly the same stimulus, and both will have different versions of reality — come to different conclusions. I have measured things like vision and hearing for years thinking that if I could simply measure the senses, I could get a better handle on the why. I learned that it was much more efficient to measure the senses, and let the brain tell me tell me what the “reality” is – AKA machine learning.


“In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.”  Put more simply, anything you do or say will have an impact on the future — there are consequences to every action.

There was a time that it was unthikable that measuring movements across hundreds of millions of subjects could be accomplished.


So along comes the Internet of Things(IOT). With IOT we have the monitoring of everything — and I mean everything — your washing machine, the steps that you take, your location at any point of time, etc. And folks willingly provide the data. So if the butterfly effect is correct, with IOT, we have the opportunity to better understand the cause and effect of actions — more data to feed into machine learning that will help forecast the result of actions.


There are  probably very few folks on the planet that have not experienced the impact of social media. Folks share pictures of their children, share vacations and  weddings with the world, and announce the loss of love ones.

There was a time that criminals understood that if you wanted to be successful, the less foilks that knew about a crime to be committed or a crime that had been committed, the better the chance of success.



Not anymore. Folks boldy display their evil deeds to the world. Some will tattoo their bodies with crimes committed and display pictures of themelves on Facebook. Other will post videos of themselves, boldly brandishing weapons, boasting of future crimes. For some it is a cry for help. For others it is to spread terror.

The willingness of both present and future criminals to post their images and boldly announce their deeds is a good thing for society and an every increasing source of data for the AI community. The downside that just YouTube has some 300 hours of video uploaded every minute and those that upload the videos have an opportunity to manually tag a video. If you are searching for a video, it is the tag that helps identify video content. Those that want to leverage the content of social media face a problem that intelligence agencies face — so many sources and the need to prioritize analysis– missed opportunity.


Attempting to put my demon to rest:

  1. Leverage the cloud — both Google and AWS 
  2. Leverage off the shelf embedded devices
  3. Scarpe social media looking for images and videos
  4. Separate video and audio
  5. Object detection — human, weapon, etc
  6. Audio to text
  7. What does text mean
  8. Sensor fusion
  9. Criminal behavior

Any questions or thoughts:









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