Cut Your Training Time By 50% Improve Training Results Cut Your Training Cost By 30%
The Problem
For decades, the standard format of training shooters is one in which one or more students are taught by one or more instructors. New shooters are taught the theory of firearms and then are given practical instruction. Practical instruction includes being shown how to hold the weapon, sight the weapon, and fire the weapon. Students are taught to hold their breath during the shot, to focus on the sights and to press the trigger. An instructor walks up and down a shooting line behind the shooters observing what each shooter is doing correctly and incorrectly. The instructor critiques the performance of each shooter.
Two problems make these techniques very inefficient:
It is not possible for an instructor to watch all students all the time.
No matter how many times an instructor tells a student to hold his/her breathe or to squeeze the trigger, students always come back saying that they were holding their breath or that they were squeezing the trigger.
Inefficiencies of these techniques make training a shooter an expensive proposition in both money and time. The goal is to shorten the time required to train shooters and to minimize ammunition costs
The Solution
BioSension is a software/hardware solution developed to minimize time and expense required to train shooters. It is composed of: A set of software modules that are designed to:
Track Weapons
Track Sights and Optics Scopes
Track Ammunition
Provide a Robust Set of Targets
Collect Historical Information from Shooting Sessions
Integrate Historical Information with Ballistic Calculations
Provide Real Time Collection and Immediate Access to a Shooting Session
Real-time Graphical Display of Shooting Parameters