Big Bubba – Over Watch

ov1Somewhere in the world, there is a cop making a traffic, stop, a Marshal serving a warrant, a SWAT team navigating a dark hallway, or operators clearing a building. Every day, these men and women face challenges that are never truly understood unless experienced. They have to rapidly sort through the noise separating those to be protected and those that are threats in ever increasing challenging environments.


These men and women get up every day and go to work with the understanding that they never may see their love ones again. And what is making their lives more complex is that there are those that are very quick to judge without understanding.


Those that judge do so based upon a video from a dash cam, a mobile phone or some still images. They have no way to see what happens within a vehicle, what the officer is experiencing as he/she moves down a dark alley, or what an operator experiences as he/she comes through a  door. But judge they do.

At Biosension, we feel that we have a set of solutions that help understand what is happening when. Instead of surmising what officers are experiencing in a room or vehicle, we capture and stream in real time exactly what the officers are experiencing. We capture what the officer is seeing. We capture what the officer is hearing. We capture the physiological and emotional state of the officer.

To capture all of this information, we use sensors that extend the officer’s senses in high stress environments.
biosension-swat-graphic-v2-finalWe feel that capturing and analyzing all of this data and making the data available for review, helps in understanding what truly happened.

But there is more that can be leveraged from the data. By learning from previous experiences and comparing what is happening now with what has happened in the past, we are able to provide real time advice.

Providing real time advice in an unobtrusive manner helps offset the loss of sensor input that comes from being in high stress environments.

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